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Free Advertising Habits
We are TE Hoopla! the business of free advertising – testing and rankings and building!
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HABITS – to do continual. When we were younger we thought of habits as a negative. But as we got older we discovered habits as a positive. If you have good habits, this is what happens. If you have good habits, and do them daily, they will serve you well and lift you. If you have bad habits, and do they daily, they will enslave and hurt you. Interesting. Habits. Not good not bad. Just continual. They can be an asset or liability. An anchor that holds you down, or the wind beneath your wings that allows you to fly and sail. Make a list today of all your habits, dividing the good from the bad. We hope there are more good than bad. But the good news is that you can change your habits. It has to be a choice. And it takes time. But with intention and patience, bad habits can turn into good habits. Today, may your good habits increase and overflow bountiful. Simple as it gets! This is your guide to promoting your business! How can we best help you today?
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From TE Hoopla | Thursday, June 16, 2022 No chasing this or that, regardless. Our eyes are on stats!
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